Present at Jackson Park Yacht Club were

Janet Hansen, Acting Fleet Captain

Larry Berliant, Administrator, Waukegan Y.C.

Don Waller, Burnham Park Y.C.

Olof Andersson, Columbia Y.C.

Dennis Hansen, Jackson Park Y.C.

Greg Mirecki, Chicago Y.C.

Ken Colbert, Chicago Y.C.

Larry Kwiat, Columbia Y.C.

Steve Karstrand, T-10 Fleet

Jim Webb, Jackson Park Y.C.

Deirdre Martin, PHRF Fleet

Judy McInerney, Burnham Park Y.C.

Dave Ward, MORF

Terry Deegan, St Joseph River Y.C.

Steven Fink, Chicago Corinthian Y.C.

Janet Hansen, Acting Fleet Captain, opened the Meeting at 6:53 p.m.

Greg Miarecki moved to approve the minutes from the October 2012 meeting and Jim Webb seconded. Janet called for discussion. Deirdre Martin asked about Mark Norris’ comments from the last meeting with regard to having 2 sites where Area III information is available. Janet Hansen calls for a vote to accept and the motion carries.

The Nominating Sub Committee proposed a new slate of officers made necessary by the resignation of Eric Johnson. The Sub Committee proposes Janet Hansen as Fleet Captain, Peter Cooper as Secretary and Larry Berliant as Treasurer. Steven Fink moved to accept the Sub Committee’s proposal and Janet Hansen seconded. The motion passed. The new officers began their tenure immediately.

Larry Berliant gave the Treasurer’s report. He advised that the treasury consists of a checking account balance of $8,345.21. The account earned $0.08 in interest for October, 2012. There was an expense of $798.21 for Area III brag flags. Jim Webb moved to accept the Treasurer’s report and Ken Colbert seconded. The motion passed.

The Steering Committee next took up the issues of the Notice of Race and the General Sailing Instructions. The first topic discussed was the Notice of Race.

Don Waller began by noting that the major change is the Boy of the Year Notice of Regatta which can be added anywhere where the Sub Committee or Steering Committee wants it to be placed and asks for instruction on that issue.

Deirdre Martin then asked if the Sub Committee was considering a charge for an ORR scoring overlay to which Don answered that the individual clubs organizing each race should decide. Don Waller reported that Don Draper would not be able to score boats on an ORR overlay unless each such boat uploads its ORR Certificate. He also reported that CYC would require such a certificate in order to be scored using ORR. A boat which does not upload its ORR Certificate soon enough for the 2013 season could be scored using its 2012 Certificate.

Janet Hansen advised that if a one-design boat wants to race PHRF under its one-design fleet rules, that boat would not be required to upload a PHRF Certificate. However, such a boat would be required to upload its PHRF Certificate if the boat were to race under PHRF rules.

Don Waller identified a problem as being a situation where a one-design boat shows up at the start of a PHRF race and intends to be scored one-design, it would be incumbent upon that boat’s skipper to make sure the boat is compliant under its one-design rules. There was further discussion by the Steering Committee about how a verification process would be able to work, verifying that a particular one-design boat was, in fact, in compliance with its own fleet rules.

Janet Hansen directed the NOR/GSI Sub Committee to make a recommendation for the next meeting with regard to one-design boats which end up racing in a PHRF section.

Discussion was then had among the Steering Committee members on whether the Notice of Race should state that every yacht must be a member of US Sailing and a recognized Organizing Authority. It was left that the Sub Committee would work on a recommendation. It was also proposed by the Sub Committee that a yacht club’s Special Sailing Instructions for a particular race should address use of the ORR in that race and that the use of the ORR would not be addressed in the General Sailing Instructions.

Don Waller then returned to the Boat of the Year Notice issue, noting that it has been included in the Notice of Race as, new, Section 11. Don said he would clean up the language of the initial draft and its place in the Notice of Race would be resolved by the Sub Committee. Janet Hansen suggested to Don that it could be broken out as a separate series with its own entry page although each boat would be automatically entered in the BOY as it registered for Area III racing. Don Waller asked that any Steering Committee members with comments about any of the Notice of Race issues should contact himself or Olof Andersson.

The Steering Committee next moved on to its discussion on the General Sailing Instructions.

Olof Andersson began by stating his preference that the General Sailing Instructions give a race committee the flexibility to set up courses which require racing sections to race both long and short legs in a single race, thus keeping sections separate.

Janet Hansen then suggested that white marks should be used for finishing races. Don Waller added that the diagrams in the General Sailing Instructions will also be changed to reflect use of white marks at the finish. He also said that the Postponements section of the sailing instructions is blank and that he would add language which conforms to the new RRS.

Steve Karstrand suggested that a specific number of races on a particular day should not be used in the instructions, but that the instructions should state that the number of races to be run that day should be as many as practicable.

Olof reminded the Steering Committee that paragraphs of the RRS which are referenced in the 2012 version of the Notice of Race and General Sailing Instructions should be conformed to changes in the 2013-2016 RRS.

Steve Karstrand reported that, at its last meeting, the Chicago T-10 Association Board had discussed using a “Follow Me” flag to be used on that day’s RC boat, stationed near SA8. The suggestion is that all boats meet at that general location and thereafter move to a starting position which weather condition for that day would dictate. The idea is to use this scheme to reduce travel times for the boats from the farther harbors. Don Waller noted that clubs already have that option. It would be the decision of the PRO of that day’s RC to use it.

Olof remarked that his personal feeling was that the “Follow Me” option wouldn’t work well. Options which are currently available to race committees in the instructions should be discussed prior to publication of a final version of the General Sailing Instructions.

Steven Karstrand also questioned if the present version of the General Sailing Instructions might limit the time of day after which a race committee could no longer start a race. This had also been discussed by the Chicago T-10 Board and Steve might bring that discussion to the NOR/GSI Sub Committee for possible inclusion in the instructions.

The Steering Committee next moved to its discussion of the 2013 Race Schedule.

Deirdre Martin presented the preliminary schedule to the members and asked for comments.

Greg Miarecki announced that CYC was planning a 1st annual cruise for CYC members. It was under discussion that it would be a Friday evening race to Racine, Wisconsin with a return the following day. He noted that its date might conflict with Columbia Y.C.’s Friday night navigational race to Michigan City and back to Chicago. Greg also noted that Chicago Y.C.’s Offshore Fleet wants to add more ORR racing for PHRF boats. Chicago plans to add ORR days to its, Saturday, Racing Yacht Fleet schedule.

Olof Andersson observed that the addition of boats racing ORR on Saturdays would not conflict with Area III events as the Steering Committee had been moving Area III events to Sundays in order to leave Chicago Y.C. an open field for its Saturday RYF racing. Larry Berliant questioned whether it might be a good idea for Chicago Y.C. to run its RYF racing through Area III’s signup website. Greg Miarecki said that Chicago had no present plans to do so.

At that point Don Waller voiced his opinion that it appeared that Chicago Y.C. was moving its traditional races- the Verve and the Sheldon Clarke, for example, out of Area III. It looked to Don that Chicago Y.C. was intending to pull out of Area III and its unified registration system. To that Greg replied that he doesn’t understand why having two places at which to sign up for racing should be much of a problem.

Deirdre Martin said that it was troubling to the PHRF Fleet that Chicago Y.C. is not offering PHRF section in its RYF racing schedule. Greg responded that it isn’t offered because Chicago Y.C. members are not asking for PHRF sections- members are asking for ORR racing.

Larry Kwiat remarked that Area III offers ORR scoring overlays to Chicago Y.C. members but that Chicago Y.C does not offer PHRF scoring overlays to racers and decried the apparent lack of cooperation. Greg then asked the Steering Committee members if racers would be open to Chicago Y.C. offered PHRF scoring overlays.

Larry Kwiat asked Greg if Yachtscoring, which Chicago Y.C. uses to register and score its RYF racing, could do a PHRF overlay. Greg said that he would check on that. Greg noted that it is not Chicago Y.C.’s policy to undermine the Area III Steering Committee or PHRF racing. He just doesn’t’ understand how a PHRF overlay might work.

Larry Berliant and Don Waller suggested an inclusive policy: allow PHRF boats to race in the RYF series which have an uploaded PHRF Certificate. Greg Miarecki was concerned that might only serve to split single sections into too many sections of similar PHRF and ORR boats. He thinks that would expand rating bands within sections and destroy real competition among similar boats.

Janet Hansen suggested that Chicago Y.C. try the more inclusive solution to the problem of adding boats to the mix at the NOOD and Verve long distance races to see how it will affect competition. Larry Kwiat and Jim Webb like the inclusive approach as it is one of Area III’s policies to encourage more boats to race.

At that point the Fleet Captain cut off further discussion on the issue and moves to have the Steering Committee accept the schedule as proposed by the scheduling Sub Committee. Larry Berliant seconded the motion and discussion was called.

Terry Deegan then stated that St. Joseph River Y.C. had moved its Rhumbline Regatta so as to attract as many Chicago based boats as possible but, at the same time, does not want to require registration through Area III’s website. To do so would restrict the number of their local boats which only race one time, yearly. SJRYC would rather run registration through Regattanet but keep the race as an Area III event.

Don Waller thought that the Area III Notice of Race would require any Area III race to have its registration run through the Area III website.

At that time, the Fleet Captain calls the question. The motion to accept the Area III schedule as proposed, carries.

The Steering Committee next began its discussion on Section Breaks.

Deirdre reported that her sub Committee had nothing, yet, to report. The issue was tabled until the January 9th meeting.

The Steering Committee next heard a report on the Boater’s Bash held October 27, 2012 at Columbia Y.C.

Larry Kwiat reported that the Boater’s Bash had gone well. Approximately 200 people had attended and he thanked Deirdre Martin for her help in organizing it. Larry also reported that Columbia Y.C. plans to build a more robust tent enclosure which would be ready for 2013.

Janet Hansen mandated a Sub Committee to plan the 2013 Bash and asked for volunteers from each of the clubs. Deirdre Martin volunteered to be chair, Jim Webb volunteered on behalf of Jackson Park Y.C., Steven Fink volunteered to find someone from Chicago Corinthian Y.C., Don Waller volunteered on behalf of Burnham Park Y.C. and Ken Colbert will recruit a volunteer from Chicago Y.C.

The Steering Committee next moved to its discussion about the new Contract between LMSRF and Don Draper for Area III’s use of SailYachtRacing.

Janet Hansen reported that Don had agreed to continue his offer to contract with LMSRF so that Area III could use his registration and scoring program. There had been a question with regard to the program’s ability to score one-design boats on an overall basis is a PHRF rating could be provided. Don Waller reminded the Committee that he had run into trouble when using the term “PHRF” outside of the PHRF organization’s zone of permission due to its proprietary nature.

Don also noted that an issue exists about the Boat of the Year scoring. In the past, Don Draper had charged $8.00 per boat to score the BOY and that could be expensive. Janet Hansen reminded the Committee that it had approved a $10.00 per boat yearly charge in order to pay for brag flags and “other expenses.” Discussion was had among committee members about Don’s collection under the terms of the contract for the $8.00 yearly per boat for signing up for racing. Several members suggested that $2.00 of the $10.00 collected by Area III be used for registration and scoring of boats in the Boat of the Year series. Janet Hansen suggested that she and Steven Fink negotiate with Don Draper about his charge under the terms of the contract. Terry Deegan will explore Regattanet’s ability to score season-wide. In the meantime, Steven Fink is to look into succession issues of the website and into a Transfer on Death account which might be used to, smoothly, transfer funds in the event of Don Draper’s incapacity.

Steven Karstrand thought it would be a good idea to check into what other areas of the United States have Yacht Clubs which might regularly hold interclub racing and how they accomplish it.

The Steering Committee next moved to hearing reports from member clubs and fleets.

Janet Hansen announced that on February 23, 2013, Area III would sponsor a US Sailing sanctioned seminar on Race Management at Jackson Park Yacht Club. John Strassman would be the moderator. Each club should send its PROs to be present.

Judy McInerney reported that the Chicago Yachting Association would be presenting its yearly program for boaters on December 7, 2012 at Chicago Y.C. Tickets were $45.00 per person.

Steven Fink announced that the joint Speed Seminars being put on by the Chicago Corinthian Y.C. Offshore Fleet and the Corinthian contingent of T-10s were scheduled for January 12, 2013, February 16, 2013 and March16, 2013.

Deirdre Martin reported that the PHRF Fleet gave kudos to the organizers of the Boater’s Bash. PHRF members liked it because it was inexpensive, casual and fun. She thanked Area III for allowing the PHRF Fleet to present its Long Distance Trophy at the Bash.

Steve Karstrand reported that the Chicago T-10 Association is considering the use of the “lunch boat” option in order to reduce the interval of time between races. The RC could finish the straggler in-place instead of waiting it out to cross the line. Steve thanked Area III for its Boat of the Year brag flags and suggested that future ordering be combined to, perhaps, create one set of flags. He also noted that the 2014 T-10 North American Championship Regatta would return to Chicago. He suggested a combined effort between the T-10 fleet and Area III. As to the problem of communicating last minute weather problems among far-flung harbors, Steven suggests the implementation of a telephone tree buddy system to be activated when weather makes racing questionable. To that, Janet suggested that boat skippers add their cell phone carrier information onto Don Draper’s website and receive status on possible postponements.

Dierdre asked that any organization which schedules a sailing event open to the public please contact her and she will post it to the calendar contained on the Port of PHRF website.

Greg Miarecki asked racers to provide their names and boat names if they might consider racing in the RYF if Chicago Y.C. would provide a PHRF scoring overlay.

The Steering Committee moved to New Business.

Larry Kwiat wants the information on what effect Don Draper’s charge would be for scoring the Boat of the Year series would have on Area III’s finances.

Janet Hansen announced that the next meeting is scheduled for January 9, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. at Chicago Corinthian Y.C.

Jim Webb moved to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 9:18 p.m.